Full Name
Mr. Tsuyoshi Sakamoto
Job Title
Managing Director
QB Capital, LLC
Speaker Bio
I worked for two large corporations, an office equipment manufacturer, and a semiconductors manufacturer as a mechanical engineer for 7 years. I then worked for a few venture companies as a manager and was in charge of business development or management restructuring.
In 2004 I moved my career to academic-industgory collaboration area at Kyushu university and took the position as IMAQ Start-up Support Department Director.

I had been in charge of the Start-up Support Department that advises faculty members, students and officials how to set up a company by 2010. After that, I assumed the presidency of Kyushu TLO.

I contributed to achieving the result of Kyushu TLO for 4 years and I handed over the president to the incoming president at the end of Jun in 2014 . After that I started the self-employment( consultant focusing on collaboration between Industry and academic) and took office as an adviser of Kyushu TLO.
Finally I established QB Fund investing in academic startups mainly related to Universities in Kyushu area in Japan in 2015.
I graduated from Kyushu University in 1989 with a Bachelor of Engineering degree and graduated from Kyushu University Business School in 2008 with a Master of Business Administration degree(MBA).

Specialties: technology management
business incubation
Tsuyoshi Sakamoto